EFT Practitioner Certification for Nutritionists and Dietitians


Get to the root cause with clients and end their chronic health issues.

Become a Certified EFT Practitioner

Your client's health issues go deeper than food and supplements. Your tools to support them should too. 

Maybe you...

Know that...

truly helping your clients requires delving into their emotional depths, but you often feel unprepared for this aspect.

Are frustrated by...

clients who have tried countless protocols without success, leaving you feeling stuck in your ability to support them effectively.

Have learned...

about the importance of the nervous system and somatic work in health journeys, yet you lack the practical tools to integrate these concepts into your practice.

What if I told you...


EFT is a simple, evidence-based tool that is scientifically proven to help people reduce stress, lower cortisol levels and increase happiness


EFT allows people to easily access their most subconscious programming and heal the root causes of their health challenges


You’re capable of leading your clients through this powerful somatic practice and helping them end their chronic health issues for good

I know you might be thinking...

Can tapping on our bodies really produce such profound results?

I’ve done this before in a coaching/therapy session or two and it wasn’t that effective?

I’m not sure how I would integrate this into my practice?


These are super valid questions. So…

Yes, with the right techniques EFT can produce profound results and there are hundreds of peer-reviewed studies to prove it

Because it ‘appears’ simple a lot of people are leading tapping without the proper knowledge or training and not getting results with their clients

There are countless ways to use this with your clients and we’ll ensure you feel incredibly confident before you jump-in

Here's my why


The reason I built this Practitioner Certification specifically for Dietitians and Nutritionists is because of my own experiences healing my body. It wouldn't have been possible without the powerful practice of EFT.

From healing years of disordered eating, to fixing painful gut issues, and re-energizing my body I worked with a number of wellness professionals.

While their methods all helped support my healing it wasn’t until I found a practitioner that could help me process the emotions and what was going on deep in my subconscious that I truly healed.

I know you want this for your clients too.

This EFT Practitioner Certification Includes: 

  • Comprehensive learning modules that include the following topics:
    • History of EFT/Tapping
    • EFT Science and Research
    • Mindset and Foundations of the Professional Practitioner
    • Key Elements of Tapping - where we tap and what we say
    • Meridian Overview
    • Core Causes Questions 
    • Core techniques; subjective units of distress, picking a topic, apex problem, scripting a 1:1 tap
    • Advanced techniques including; tearless trauma, telling the story, tap and rant



  • Client and Relationship Management
  • Case studies and examples of how to run a session
  • Tools for building confidence and leading sessions
  • Answers to commonly asked questions
  • Self-practice and client practice logs and hour requirements, which are reviewed upon completion of the course
  • Bi-weekly 'office hours' to come ask your questions and reflect on learning

Meet Your Instructor

Amanda Hudson

With over 20 years of experience in adult learning and education, I am an advanced EFT Practitioner, holding both an MBA and 300 hours of Yoga Teacher Training. My background includes creating diploma and degree programs for higher education institutions and providing training for renowned companies like Nike and Dermalogica.

In 2015, my first experience with tapping revealed the underlying reasons for my struggles with eating disorders, burnout, and deeply traumatic experiences, leading me to fully embrace this powerful technique. Today, I share my expertise through Insight Timer, where I have taps with a 4.9/5 overall rating, and work with diverse clients ranging from large corporate groups to individuals. I understand the profound impact of tapping and its ability to address issues beyond the surface, making it an invaluable tool for dietitians and nutritionists seeking to help their clients on a deeper level.

Tap to Truth EFT Practitioner Certification is a self-paced, 100% online program with a blueprint guaranteed to have you feeling confident to lead clients in 1:1 EFT/Tapping sessions by the time you complete the program.


You’ll be able to:

Go deeper and actually resolve at the root cause

Add a somatic practice to your toolkit

Feel confident to charge more in your practice

Pay in Full


Best Value

Upon enrolment you'll have immediate access to:

  • All learning modules
  • Video lessons
  • Tapping scripts
  • Worksheets
  • Personal practice taps
  • Certification logs
  • Access to live 'office hours'

Payment Plan


*4 months

  • Monthly payments available
  • Access all content immediately

This program is for:

 Registered Dietitians, Nutritionists, Health Coaches

who believe that healing and health goes much deeper than what we put into our bodies.


After completing this certification you will feel more confident:

Addressing root cause emotions that impede your client's healing

Including somatic practices in your work that will ensure client's are able to address their core challenges

Working with even the most difficult clients 

Charging more for your work 

Enroll Today

What graduates are saying

Elizabeth Rose

Adding EFT tapping to my Holistic Women’s Health Practice has been a game changer for working with challenging cases and chronic illness. Learning how to incorporate EFT tapping with Amanda has given me both the tool and the confidence to truly address my clients' deeper struggles. Simply talking about these things isn’t enough. Tapping has enabled me to help people release their emotional conflicts, giving me a framework to access the depth my 1:1 work was missing. The results are incredible! My clients love it and keep coming back for more. And I feel confident increasing the prices for my packages because of how much more impactful my work has become with the addition of tapping. I cannot recommend adding this tool to your practice enough! It will set you apart and keep your clients coming back!

Meg Gerber

As a functional dietitian who has spent the past 8 years working within the deeper spaces of self healing (including work with other EFT tapping practitioners) Amanda holds an incredibly supportive and compassionate container that allows you to dive deeper with yourself than ever before. Her taps are creative, original and depthful. She is an expert in her craft and all of her work is grounded in science.

Natasha Moine

As a health coach and student of energy who has practiced a variety of embodiment modalities for two decades, adding EFT tapping has been like finding the last piece of the puzzle.  


Tapping has helped me get to the root of what is holding clients back resulting in quicker and more potent transformations. Getting to tap with my nutrition clients is now my favourite part of my 1:1 and group coaching programs. We are mirrors for each other — I always say what my clients have to heal, I have to heal, this means that as a practitioner I am evolving at the same time which has been such a gift. Thank you for creating this course Amanda, we needed it. 

Frequently Asked Questions